Humanitarian Response to Rohingya and Host Community
Rohingya influx in the later part 2017 is one of the major humanitarian concerns for Bangladesh. Over 1 million displaced persons fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh because of ethnic violence. Most of them are women and children and are the victims of torture, abuse, physical and sexual violence, etc. On humanitarian ground Bangladesh Government provided them shelter and other facilities. Along with other NGOs, ACLAB also joined the Govt. initiatives and has been involved in the wellbeing of the displaced Rohingyas through provisions of health, education, information dissemination, relief works, child protection, human trafficking, etc. ACLAB incorporated the issue of Rohingyas in all of its activities taking place in Cox’s Bazar region
Published on: Tuesday, 12 May 2020, 11:58 am ▪ Last update: Tuesday, 12 May 2020, 12:04 pm ▪ Total View of this Page: 1386